[EN] Control movement from a joystick via WiFi with MicroPython.

This article is based on the article programming a client/server for a weather station over a wireless network or WiFi to modify from reading data from sensors to joystick shield (Arduino Joystick Shield) so that it has become a wireless game controller using MicroPython and an ESP32 microcontroller as shown in Figure 1. It is possible to control the movement of objects in the display via a ST7735 TFT screen connected to another ESP32. It will be found that the Python implementation of MicroPython is applicable in this example. And with an easy-to-write language and code that can be modified without recompiling and uploading, it’s easy to write prototype code for further development at a higher speed.

Control movement from a joystick via WiFi
(Figure. 1 Our board)
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[EN] How to used Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD&Touch Shield with STM32F401?

From the previous article that has used a 3.5″ display for Raspberry Pi Board to use with ESP32, we also have an Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD & Touch Shield that is used with Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega (as shown in Figure 1. ) and want to use with a microcontroller STM32F401RET6 Board NUCLEO-F401RE and STM32F401CC (Figure 2), which are Cortex-M4 with 96KB and 64KB memory respectively, ROM memory is 512KB and 128KB, with 8 switches connected to the pin. In this article, Board ET-TEST 10P/INP (Figure 3) is used to replace the left, up, down, right, m1,m2, A and B buttons respectively.

Nucleo-F401RE+Arduino Uno 2.4" TFT&Touch Shield
(Figure. 1 Arduino Uno TFT&Touch Shield module on Nucleo-F401RE)
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[EN] The MaixPy’s image class Part 1. draw and find something.

This article discusses how to use image class with TFT-LCD display module of Sipeed M1W dock suit board via lcd class (MaixPy’s lcd class) as shown in Figure 1 provided with MaixPy to study the list of commands provided by image class and an example program using commands about creating a buffer object, clearing the value in the buffer, deleting the buffer, drawing straight lines, circles, squares, character display, saving data from the buffer to memory card (microSD Card), searching for straight lines in buffer (find_lines), finding circles in the buffer, find_circles and find squares (find_rects) in buffers with built-in functionality. It uses the Hough Transform principle to find the position and parameters of the searched object.

(Figure. 1 Sipeed M1W dock suit)
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[EN] How to used RPi 3.5″ TFT LCD&Touch Shield with esp32?

Because we bought a 3.5″ display for the Raspberry Pi board to use and wonder if it can be used with the ESP32 board or not. Therefore, this article talks about how to use a TFT LCD Shield designed for Waveshare’s Raspberry Pi with the TTGO T8 ESP32 microcontroller via the TFT_eSPI library to display and operate a touch screen system as shown in Figure 1.

(Figure. 1 When use with ESP32)
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[EN] Improve st7735 blue-tab/red-tab 0.96 ” library

This article is an update of the st7735 library file for Micropython by Billy Cheung (accessed 2021-09-07) published on github. It is a library that has been updated by Guy Caver to support ST7735s. The required libraries include st7735.py and sysfont.py Guy Carver implements esp8266 and esp32 to provide better display speed through the principle of display buffering for pixel storage and additional instructions for sending data from buffer to TFT module via SPI bus.

(Figure. 1 dCore-miniML board with ST7735 0.96″ display module installed)
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[EN] Collecting flags in a maze

This article is an example of writing a game. Move the character to walk in the maze to collect flags that are randomly positioned as shown in Figure 1, where the character will walk in the specified channel and can’t penetrate the wall. With a warning sound when trying to walk in an impossible location and when walking in any direction will change the image of the character to turn the face to that direction. In addition, pressing A will randomize the position of the new flag, pressing B will randomize the player’s position, and pressing D will exit the program. The board for use is still dCoreML4M as before, let’s get started.

(Figure. 1 The game in this article)
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[EN] The dCore-espWST

This article recommends using the esp8266 to read temperature and humidity from the DHT11 sensor, the voltage from the LDR sensor, received from the switch, and display via OLED with MicroPython’s Python language, this feature is the dCore-espWST board we are using (Which in the previous article we used the dCore-esp32WST with the same design, but using esp32, but the program code can still be used with the model board) and is a board for use in teaching IoT subjects. The prototype structure of the board is as shown in Figure 1, which is normally used with a battery power supply unit with a solar panel charging circuit.

(Figure. 1 dCore-espWSTprototype)
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[EN] 15-Puzzle Game

This article is an example of a 15-Puzzle game using the ml4m board with the results shown in Figure 1. It is a game that allows players to practice their strategic thinking skills, looking ahead to plan their shifting numbers. In addition to being in the form of numbers, it can also be changed from numbers to images, that is, transformed into an image and divided into 16 parts, and then allow the player to move the image to make it the same as the original. Also in the example, a buzzer is used to generate a beep sound using an 8-bit DAC of an esp32 microcontroller, as well as programming in Python on MicroPython.

(Figure. 1 4×4 random)
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[EN] ESP32-ML4M : Tic-Tac-Toe Ep.2

From the article Tic-Tac-Toe games or OC games played with computers (esp32) via the console of the terminal program are inconvenient. Now let’s learn how to use the esp32 peripheral circuit of the ML4M board (Figure 1), how it has an I/O circuit and how is Tic-Tac-Toe game is played through the device in which the code works with the joystick module and touch switch.

(Figure. 1 ml4m for Tic-Tac-Toe testing)
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