[EN] Raspberry Pi 3 With Bootable SSD Drive

This article is a short memoir for getting the Raspberry Pi 3 to boot from an SSD connected to the USB port to make the Raspberry Pi 3 board run faster than using a micro SD-Card.

(Figure. 1 Raspberry Pi 3 B+ connected to SSD SATA via USB port)


  1. Raspberry Pi 3
  3. SATA SSD box with USB converter


  1. Assemble the SSD into the box.
  2. Download the Raspberry Pi Image program for Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu to write the operating system image to SSD, and it can also be used as a program for erasing your hard drive in case you need to use it for other uses.
  3. Download Raspbeian from Raspberry Pi
  4. Write image to SSD with Raspberry Pi Image program.
  5. Enter the SSD boot partition.
  6. Add program_USB_boot_mode=1 to config.txt
  7. Edit cmdline.txt to root=/dev/sda2 to indicates Raspberry Pi will boot /dev/sda2 which is the root of OS.


This article is one of the guidelines that our team has chosen to speed up the Raspberry Pi 3’s performance. We have encountered some problems, for example rebooting will result in the system not restarting after shutdown, so we have to turn on and off the power supply to turn on the system.

We hope this article will be of more or less helpful.

Have fun programming.

(C) 2020, Jarut Busadathid and Danai Jedsadathitikul
Updated 2021-07-04