This article is programming to write a program to use the joystick module as shown in Figure 1, in which the module can tell the X-axis movement, Y-axis movement, and the state of pressing the switch on the joystick. An example of this module is to use the esp32 board using C++ to connect to the GPIO using the commands mentioned in this article.

Joystick Module
The joystick module from Figure 1 is a popular joystick used with game consoles. It has a 2-axis analog sensor for reading in the X and Y axes. This is different from using a digital switch that only knows its pressed or unpressed state. While analog provides the resolution according to the resolution of the microcontroller ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) circuit, for example, 8-bit ADC gives values from 0 to 255 and 10-bit ADC gives values in the range 0 to 1023, etc. Using this module must choose a microcontroller that has at least 2 channels or 2 ADC pins. When reading from the sensor, the values are as follows.
- Minimum represents being on the left or bottom, which is the value Xmin and Ymin
- Maximum represents being on the right or top, which is the value Xmax and Ymax
- The middle value when the lever is not moved, which is the value of Xcenter and Ycenter
Connecting to the module must be connected via 5 pins as shown in Figure 2. Connecting to ESP32 is done as in the following table.
Joystick | ESP32 |
VRX | SN or VN or IO39 |
VRY | SP or VP or IO36 |
SW | IO16 |
+5VDC | 3V3 |

The settings of the Arduino IDE are as shown in Figure 3.

Example Code
An example program reads the X and Y-axis coordinates and the lever switch status is as follows.
#define VR_X_PIN 39
#define VR_Y_PIN 36
#define SW_PIN 16
void setup() {
void doUpdate() {
uint16_t x = analogRead( VR_X_PIN );
uint16_t y = analogRead( VR_Y_PIN );
bool sw = digitalRead( SW_PIN );
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
void loop() {
The result from the sample program is shown in Figure 4.

For Python can be written as follows
# Joystick module + ESP32 + MicroPython
# By JarutEx (
from machine import Pin, ADC
import time
import machine as mc
vrx = ADC(Pin(39, Pin.IN))
vrx.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Full range: 3.3v
vry = ADC(Pin(36, Pin.IN))
vry.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Full range: 3.3v
sw = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
def doUpdate():
vrxValue =
vryValue =
swValue = sw.value()
while True:
From this article, you will find that reading data from the joystick module requires two ADC pins for reading the values of the X and Y axes. When used with a microcontroller that has a high resolution of the ADC sector, it will give more detailed values. It can be better interpreted for the value of movement. Finally, have fun with programming.
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- PS2 XY Joystick Module
- JoyStick Breakout Module Shield for PS2 Joystick Game Controller For Arduino
- ADC WiKiPedia
(C) 2020-2021, By Jarut Busarathid and Danai Jedsadathitikul
Updated 2021-10-16