[EN] Queue data structure with array and Singly Linked List.

This article describes Queue Data Structures previously written in the Python Queue Data Structure article and is frequently used with the MicroPython example, but this article is written in C via Arduino IDE to use with microcontroller board LGT8F328P, SAM-D21, ESP8266, ESP32 and ESP32-S2 as shown in Figure 1 by using an example of the array structure and a single link list as a queued data structure. This article is probably the last article on JarutEx.

Figure 1 ESP32-S2, LGY8P326P and SAM-D21

[EN] Stack data structure with Singly Linked List.

This article describes a stack data structure to write programs in C on various platforms using a single linked list data structure as a stack data store with examples of the array as storage and test the operation with the microcontroller board LGT8F328P, SAM-D21, ESP8266, ESP32 and ESP32-S2 as shown in Figures 1 and 2. In case of wanting to use with other platforms, you can still modify the code for use such as the same.

Figure 1 ESP32, LGY8P326P and SAM-D21

[EN] Arduino: Using the ST7735s module with an ESP32-S2 via the TFT_eSPI library.

This article describes the use of the ST7735s module with the ESP32-S2 microcontroller via the TFT_eSPI library. We have previously discussed its implementation with the ESP32 and STM32F103C microcontrollers, and the chosen TFT module as REDTAB80x160 (added code for GREENTAB80x160 at the end of the article), but you can adjust the settings to other modules, see the User_Setup.h file of the TFT_eSPI library as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 0.96″ IPS TFT module with ESP32-S2

[EN] Arduino: SoftwareSerial with STM32F030F4

From the article recommending the use of the board STM32F030F4P6 that uses serial communication with the use of additional libraries that do not have enough memory. So we try to use SoftwareSerial of Arduino framework and use pins PA10 and PA9 to connect to RX and TX of USB-RS232 Converter Module as shown in Figure 1 and try to use it according to the settings of Arduino IDE as shown in Figure 2 and order toggle LED connected to pin PA4 found that when compiling the sample program is used, the ROM and RAM usage are 80% and 21% respectively as reported by the Arduino IDE as follows.

Sketch uses 13188 bytes (80%) of program storage space. Maximum is 16384 bytes.
Global variables use 876 bytes (21%) of dynamic memory, leaving 3220 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 4096 bytes.
Figure 1 STM32F030F4P6 with CH340E module

[EN] Generate temperature and humidity graphs with data from Singly Linked List.

From the article Singly Linked List Data Structures, the use of the DHT11 sensor module with the STM32F103 microcontroller, and the use of the TFT display module based on the st7735s controller, the idea of this article is to take an example of using a singly linked list data structure to collect the temperature and humidity values to find the maximum, minimum, average, together with the data in the list to display in the form of a graph as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Result of the article

[EN] Singly Linked List

This article is about programming C/C++ with Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno, LGT8F328P or other boards with C-capable platforms. A pointer is used to point to a memory address and memory management methods, including memory reservation memory access and deactivating the use of memory to create a method for storing data in a Single Linked List along with an example program used to store a list of temperature and humidity values ​​from the DHT11 module as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Microcontroller with LGT8F328P and DHT11 module

[EN]How to render the Thai string correctly?

From the article on how to use u8g2 that can render Thai string through the drawUTF8() function of the u8g2 library, the rendering is not correct as shown in Figure 1, therefore, the code of libraries needs additionally adjusted to render correctly as in Figure 2.

Figure 1 drawUTF8() display before adjustment
Figure 2 drawUTF8() after adjustment

[EN] LittleFS Filesystem

The article discusses the use of the LittleFS library and introduces a library developed for use with the esp32 microcontroller, which includes a plugin for the Arduino IDE for uploading files to the microcontroller’s ROM. Make it convenient to load data to store and run. For this reason, if programmers find it difficult to transcode HTML/CSS/JavaScript to be a string manually and switching to uploading files to esp32 and reading the web files directly to use will be something that will require training to use LittleFS as a reliable library.

[TH] Queue data structure with array and Singly Linked List.

บทความนี้เป็นการอธิบายเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างข้อมูลแบบคิว (Queue) ซึ่งได้เคยเขียนถึงไปในบทความ Queue Data Structure ที่เป็นภาษาไพธอนและถูกนำไปใช้บ่อยกับตัวอย่างของ MicroPython แต่บทความนี้เป็นภาษา C ที่เขียนผ่าน Arduino IDE เพื่อใช้งานกับบอร์ดไมโครคอนโทรลเลอร์ LGT8F328P, SAM-D21, ESP8266, ESP32 และ ESP32-S2 ดังภาพที่ 1 โดยยกตัวอย่างการนำโครงสร้างแถวลำดับ และลิงค์ลิสต์เดี่ยวมาเป็นโครงสร้างข้อมูลแบบคิว และคงเป็นบทความสุดท้ายบน JarutEx แล้วครับ

ภาพที่ 1 บอร์ดไมโครคอนโทรลเลอร์ ESP32-S2, LGY8P326P และ SAM-D21